
Tips On Hot Tub Protection

Tips On Hot Tub Protection

Taking care of your hot tub is essential to keep it sparkling new and preserve it so that you can use it longer. Hot tubs are quite an investment. It often pays to spend little more and buy a tub that will last longer rather than buying a cheaper one that may start to crack or become waterlogged.

There are few things that you can do to maintain your hot tub to make it last long. Let’s check them out.

  • Regular cleaning of the hot tub can help to prevent the clogging of chemical residuals in the hot tub. You can clean the tub twice in a month using tub cleanser solution along with warm water. The cleaning will keep the surface and inside of the tub clean free from dirt and grime.
  • Hot tub leaks are one of the common problems of tub. These leaking problems are very difficult to locate and requires serious investigation to uncover. Almost every component of the hot tub has the tendency to develop leaks and cracks including the pumps, pipes, valves and fittings.
  • Each of the hot tub modules must be checked regularly in order to avoid such situations. When it comes to hot tub pumps leaks, check underneath the pump for leaking water once the power had been switched off. In the event of pump leakage, changing the pump or pump seal is the only way out.
  • If the pump is fine, the next step is to look at the fittings surrounding the pump. Sometimes the fittings of the pump can become loosened when the hot tub is delivered. If these fittings of the pump can be tightened, there will possibly be no leakage.
  • Another cause for hot tub leakages is the valve-related problems. The valves of the hot tub are joined by two halves that often leak as the gasket between them fails. When the tub starts to leak, removing the valves is the best option.
  • Lastly a hot tub can get chipped or scratched during tile installations. Using die cut tub protection plastic foam cushion can help you to cover the leaked surface. These die cut tub protectors are handy, convenient and comes in various sizes.

Following these tips will help you to maintain your hot tub and make it last long.

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