Wedding and Events

Some Factors Which Are Often Ignored At An Event

Some Factors Which Are Often Ignored At An Event

There are some factors that are often ignored when planning an event but are quite important. Considering these three factors are important for the successful execution of an event.



The provision of adequate toilet facilities is necessary for the convenience of the audience at a function. If existing toilets are inadequate, additional portable units must be made available.

Toilet locations should be:

  • well marked;
  • well-lit (including surrounding area) if night use is required;
  • serviced (including pump-out portables) on a 24-hour basis during the event;

Remember to mark the location of toilets on the site plan.

The number of toilets should be discussed with the local council. Entry and exit details efficient entry and exit points will prevent congestion and frustration and create a positive atmosphere for the event. These points should allow for large crowds initially; adequate staff; space for bag and identification checks;

Waste Management

You need to ensure that you have waste management procedures set up. Contact the local council and find out whether there are certain requirements for the collection of waste, both recycled and non-recycled waste. Also, there need to be enough garbage bins to adequately cater for the expected population attending the event.

Why are work plans/checklists, production design documents, cue sheets, itineraries, and control documents prepared? 

The purpose is to identify the aims and objectives of an event, develop an event proposal or outline, identify the team and the stakeholders, plan the location and layout of an event using maps/ illustrations, use run sheets to develop timelines and develop management control systems such as checklists. Organisation charts, maps and models, Gantt charts, cue sheets and checklists are useful tools for presenting material and information to your clients, members of your staff and stakeholders.


A checklist is absolutely mandatory at the most detailed level of planning. It is a control document that ensures that every single individual performing any task/ role does not forget a single detail pertaining to the event. For example, when checking fire-fighting equipment and emergency exits, it is imperative that a specific checklist is made and that it be signed and dated on completion. It is a record-keeping process. The nature of the event is such that most of the time is spent in planning and very little in the actual execution of the event. It often comes as a shock that months of planning can get over so quickly when an event comes to an end. Good planning via checklists ensures a successful outcome and satisfied clients

Given below is a checklist for a wedding from a bride’s viewpoint which can be broken down into the following phases:

  • Things that need to be done as soon as the wedding date is finalised
  • For things to be done 2-3 months before the wedding
  • For things to be done a month before the wedding
  • For things to be done two weeks before the wedding
  • For things to be done a week before the wedding
  • For things to be done a day before the wedding

If you consider hiring a wedding entertainment agency in London, they will provide you with the checklist and will also consider all the above mentioned factors.

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