Financial Services

The Complete Accident Claim Process In The UK

The Complete Accident Claim Process In The UK

If you have been injured in an accident and you are thinking about making a claim, you can find out more about the accident claim process in the UK below.


Seeking legal advice

The first stage to making a claim is to seek legal advice. The best place to get accident claims UK advice is from a lawyer working for a reputable law firm.

However, you can also get immediate legal advice following an accident by calling a claims helpline operated by a law firm.

Proceeding with your claim

If after receiving legal advice you wish to proceed with your claim, your lawyer will discuss the terms of your claim with you. Your personal injury claim will probably be processed by way of a ‘conditional fee agreement’, better known as a ‘no-win, no-fee agreement. If this is the case, your solicitor will explain the advantages and disadvantages to such agreements so that you can decide once and for all whether making a claim is the right thing for you.


You will be interviewed by your solicitor a week or so after you agree to go ahead with your claim. The aim of this interview is simply to attempt to ascertain the facts surrounding your accident, such as how your accident happened and when your accident happened. The interview will last around 30 minutes and it is at this stage that you will be able to ask all your claims-related questions, such as how much compensation is realistic.

Medical examination

2-3 weeks after your interview, you will attend a medical examination set up by your solicitor. The examination will likely take place within a private clinic, however, it can take place at home or at the hospital if you are unable to travel. The examination will establish the true extent of your injuries and a recovery period and prognosis. This information will then be used to substantiate your claim and to determine a fair settlement demand.

Presenting your case

Once your solicitor has collected all the evidence they need to present your case, they will finalise your claim and present it to the other side.

Depending on the circumstances surrounding your accident, your solicitor may receive a response within just a few weeks of sending your claim. However, sometimes it can take several months for the other side to thoroughly investigate a claim.

It is important to remember that the other side is obligated to prevent fraud, so they will investigate your claim to asses if it is legitimate. This takes time, and as such, the length of time it will take to process your accident claim depends on the other side.

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